APEC Top Tier ROES-50 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System Review

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APEC Top Tier ROES-50 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System has an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 based on 1832 user reviews.


Vendor Price
HomeDepot $214.99
Newegg $205.99
Ebay $227.14

When it comes to water filters, the APEC ROES-50 is one of the top tier products on the market. It uses a 5-stage reverse osmosis system which they claim will remove up to 99% of over 40 different types of contaminants in dirty water. Here’s how it works.

As you may well know, filtration is the main method of removing substances from water. And the size of the compounds that can be removed depends entirely on how big the pores on the filter are. Therefore, APEC ROES-50’s reverse osmosis system works via five main filtration stages. Each stage utilises a different type of filter in order to remove various types of contaminants until you’re left with pure, clean, water at the end of stage five.

During stage one, a sediment filter removes any particles of dust and rust found within the water.

Once that’s done, stages two and three uses carbon block filters which will take care of any bad taste or smell as well as remove harmful organic substances like e-Coli and dangerous chemicals like chlorine.

At stage four, the most unsafe compounds like arsenic, lead, and barium are removed using a state-of-the-art .0001-micron reverse osmosis membrane.

And finally, during stage five, a coconut shell refining carbon filter takes care of any taste that may have developed in the water whilst it’s been in the tank.


We’ll begin with the most important aspect. Now, bear in mind that there are no professional tests by a qualified specialist which proves that their system actually works. A bit weird, seeing as how expensive the product is. But, funnily enough, this is one of the few products which I can safely say that it doesn’t matter. Why’s that? Because there’s no better proof that it works than the glowing reviews of APECs many customers. Some customers have even conducted their own tests which show a significant decrease in total dissolved solids in the water. And many claim that there’s a clear difference in the taste. You can test the system for yourself by conducting your very own TDS (total dissolved solids) test and seeing the rejection rate for yourself. Nice idea!

The APEC ROES-50 works solely on water pressure. And that means it has absolutely no impact on your electricity bills, nor do you need to worry about wires and electricity outlets to power the system. And it produces very little noise whilst it’s working.

The only issue here is the efficiency at which the system works. It produces up to three gallons of waste water per gallon of clean water. Although this might not be such a big problem for those who can find uses for the waste, like using in on their gardens, for many people the waste water will simply be thrown into the sewer. And on a minor note, when the APEC ROES-50 says it removes 99% of all contaminants, it also includes the healthy minerals like calcium and magnesium. That’s to be expected since the technology is not sophisticated enough to differentiate between good and bad minerals. But you’re still removing more bad than good, so this should be a non-issue.

How Easy Is It to Install?

Installing the APEC ROES-50 is about as easy as it gets. You don’t need to hire a plumber or even be an experienced DIY individual to set up this water filter. The installation kit comes with everything you need to install the APEC ROES-50, so you don’t need to buy any additional equipment. And it has a handy instruction manual written in native English which is easy to understand. That by itself already separates it from many of its competitors. But do note that the adaptor that is provided with your purchase may not fit your sink. And in this case, you may have to visit your local store for one that is compatible. It is not really a hard process. Almost everyone can make this happen. Sounds great, right? I know.

As far as installation time goes, it only took about an hour for most customers and a maximum of two hours for others. It’s important to not focus so much on how long it takes to get the system up and running. Take your time and make sure you get all the details right. After all, this water filter should be present for years to come. Some people do say that your ease of installation may be dependent on your experience with basic plumbing as well as the location you plan to install it in. But for those who are concerned about encountering problems during the installation process, there’s no need to worry. APEC’s customer services are as helpful as it gets when it comes to diagnosing problems and resolving issues. You get lifetime customer service and tech support with your purchase, so don’t be afraid of using them should you have any questions about the installation process.

Cost and Maintenance

As mentioned previously, the APEC ROES-50 will take about $200 out of your bank. In addition to that, you’ll have to replace the three filters that come with the machine every six to 12 months. A pack of five should cost around $75. When you calculate the cost, it only comes down to a few cents per bottle of filtered water. Certainly cheaper than having to buy fresh water from the market every week. One of the biggest reported issues amongst customers is that there’s no indicator of when you should change the filters. But there are many alternatives, like keeping a TDS meter around and regularly checking the rejection rate.

The ROES-50 reports a maximum production of up to 50 gallons per day. But for many, this will not be an achievable number, as it depends on having the most optimal water pressure and temperature. A daily production of around 40 gallons sounds more realistic.

And as far as durability goes, there has been little reports of the water filter breaking down. Bear in mind that this product comes with a 1-year satisfaction guarantee and a warranty, so your money is secure in case you do experience some technical issues. This is a really good.


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