APEC Portable Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System

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Shopping for water purification systems is probably not the easiest job out there. Most people actually do not know what to look for in a water purification system- except, of course, they know they want it to purify their water. But there are so many options in the market today, and each has its own pros and cons. Some water filtration systems will just not work for anyone, while others entirely depend on one’s preference.

Before going to shop for a water filtration system, you need to know what sets one apart from the rest. Here are the basic points you need to consider as you shop for a water filtration system:

· Your budget and the price of the water filtration system.

· Convenience- This is with regard to how easy it is to move the unit around, and how easy it is to install and operate it.

· Customer reviews- Definitely, the customers have had the chance to test the unit for you, and you should take the time to read through their experience. Manufacturers are likely to make exaggerated claims about their products, so their words should be taken with a grain of salt. The customer reviews are more believable.

· Certification- There are several organizations that certify water filtration systems. This is not something you should ignore since it is easy to get a water filtration system that does absolutely nothing to clean your water. It actually requires some scientific tests to determine whether or not a filtration system works. Instead of going through all that trouble, just look for a filtration system that is certified by a recognized organization.

· Performance- Different water filtration systems have different levels of performance. The best of them filter off 99 percent of the impurities found in your water.

· The method of filtration applied- There are several types of water filtration systems out there. You should know the advantages and disadvantages of each water filtration method before you start shopping for one. The most popular type of water filter is the reverse osmosis filter, but there are many more that you should probably consider.

Another important and basic thing to look out for when shopping for a water purification system is the manufacturing company. Going for old and reputable companies can give you some peace of mind, knowing that your filter is not going to break down in just a short while.

One of the best water filter manufacturers is APEC. The company manufactures the RO-CTOP reverse osmosis water filter system which is probably going to impress you. It is easily portable and can fit into most faucets quite simply.


APEC US Made Portable Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System (RO-CTOP) is compact and light. It can filter up to 90 gallons of water in a day. This, of course, depends on the pressure of your water. The filtration speed is optimum at a pressure of 60 psi.

The manufacturers of this filtration system put great though into making it easier to use and more convenient to use.

Ease of use

The RO-CTOP water filtration system is probably the easiest filter to use. There is absolutely no installation required- you just need to hook it to your faucet. This should not even take a full minute to complete. Once this is done, you will just need to turn on the water faucet and open the diverter valve. The water will then be filtered through a process that gets rid of chemical impurities and smells in the water.

Also, if you are like many other people, you do not like having heavy water filters which are a bother to shift. This filter only weighs 7 pounds, and is small in size to make it easier to move around. This also makes it ideal for people who do not want to buy permanent water systems.


At its best, this RO filtration system can filter 90 gallons of water in a day. This only happens in places with a water pressure of 60 psi. It is necessary to note that many places will have lower water pressure, but the filtration speed should generally be good if not great.

This product can filter 99 percent chlorine. Also, the filtered water has a great crisp taste.


The pre-stage water filter can last for six months, but can also go for as long as twelve months. Proper monitoring will let you know when you need to purchase a new pre-stage water filter. The complete four stage filter works perfectly for between three and five years.


The materials used to make this filter are plastic, but are BPA free. The plastic used to make the filter is also NSF certified, meaning that it will not leach into your filtered water.


· It is light in weight, and compact enough to be carried around with ease.

· It works perfectly and for a long time. The system gets rid of 99 percent of the impurities in your water. Among the impurities it can get rid of are arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, fluoride, lead and selenium. With an additional inline filter, you can also get rid of Chloramines in your water. As many users have observed, the filtered water smells and tastes great, even better than bottled water. You will also notice a change in the appearance of the filtered water. It will become much clearer.

· It will save you a lot of money in the purchase of bottled water. With bottled water, you will have to spend money frequently in the purchase of water. This is more of a long term solution to your problem.

· It is manufactured by a reputable company. This particular filter is actually manufactured in the USA, and all the parts can be easily obtained in the USA.

· It is easy to install and use. It can be attached to water faucets in just a few seconds, and can be detached just as fast.

· It is completely made of safe high quality plastic materials. The parts are all BPA free.

· It is certified by the NSF. The NSF is an organization that was created to address issues related to water filters. It basically determines whether a water filtration system works, and whether it is safe for use. These are both difficult for individual users to determine; hence you should always check whether the water filters you purchase are certified.

· It is backed by a one-year warranty. In the first year of purchase, the manufacturer will cater for all repairs that you may require.

· The company has invested in a friendly and helpful customer service team.


· Since it is a reverse osmosis filtration system, it will end up discarding three quarters of the water that is filtered. To reduce wastage, you can choose to use this discarded brine water to water your plants or for some other similar purpose.

· Not many places have water at a pressure of between 60 and 80 psi. If your water pressure is below that, you will experience slower water filtration. Pressures below 40 psi will probably result in very slow water filtration.

· Compared to other water filtration systems, this one is quite pricey. But you really get what you pay for.

· This water filtration system is actually meant to be used on standard faucets. It will, unfortunately, not work with pull out or built-in sprayer faucets.

At first, the filtered water may not seem that much different from the tap water that you are used to. This is normal with water filters and should definitely not worry you. All you need to do is let the water run for about fifteen minutes right after you are done installing the unit. This will flush the filter and allow it to start effectively filtering your water.

Final Verdict

The RO-CTOP water filtration system is definitely one of the best filtration systems right now. It is made with great precision, and was thoroughly tested before being released for sale to the public. The brand name speaks a lot about the quality. If the high cost makes you think twice about buying it, you should consider taking advantage of their referral program. It can easily end up paying back whatever amount you invested in the filter, and even allow you to enjoy clean water in the future for free. This filter best suits people who stay in non-permanent residences such as school hostels and apartments. All in all, this is a great filter.

Comparison to Similar Water Filtration Systems

1. Essence ROSES-50 APEC Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System

The Essence Roses-50 APEC reverse osmosis water filtration system is very similar to the RO-CTOP water filter. The major difference is in the price. This water filter is a little less expensive. The manufacturer also did not put much thought into making this water filter portable. It actually weight 25 pounds, which is more than thrice the weight of the RO-CTOP water filter. It is also considerably larger in size and might take up more space in the kitchen.

Although installation is not as simple as it is with the RO-CTOP filter, it is not much of a task, especially for people who have installed water filters before. If not, there are online videos made by the manufacturer just to show you the way around the installation of the filter. Generally, the whole process will take you about 30 minutes.

It is manufactured by the same company, APEC, and can filter off 99 percent of the impurities in your water. It filters water though five stages, and the resulting water tastes, smells and looks great. Unfortunately, this water filtration system is not certified by any organization.

With this filtration system, you should be ready to replace three of the filters after every six to twelve months, costing you about 25 USD in total. The other two filters will need to be replaced every two to three years.

This filter is backed by a one year warranty, and a lifetime customer support. Since it is manufactured by APEC, it is safe to say the customer support is very helpful.

Compared to the RO-CTOP water filter, this water filter is inferior when it comes to convenience.

2. ZIP Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Filter

This water filtration system costs more than twice as much as the RO-CTOP filter. It requires no installation or even assembling of parts. It simply comes ready to use. It is manufactured by Puricom, which is also a reputable company in this industry.

With this unit, the water is filtered in four stages:

· First stage- sediments are filtered off

· Second stage- carbon blocks are filtered off

· Thirst stage- this is where the reverse osmosis membrane is applied

· Forth stage- minerals are returned to the water using an alkaline post water filter

The filter will get rid of impurities in water and will end up improving the taste, appearance and smell of your water.

One downside is the fact that is very heavy and therefore not easily portable. It weighs 26 pounds, which is pretty heavy. The three filters have to be replaced every twelve months, and the reverse osmosis membrane will need to be changed after every two to four years. Whenever the filter needs to be changed, you will be notified by a blinking light.

As an advantage, this water filtration system helps you save water. Most reverse osmosis filters discard three units of water for every unit that is purified, making them very wasteful. This one is different- it only discards one unit of water for every unit that is purified. Also, they have two separate trays to help you save the discarded water so you can use it for something else later. Also, the materials used to make this filter are all BPA free and safe for use. The ZIP countertop reverse osmosis water filter is also one of the best designed in the market and can easily go well with any kitchen.

In direct comparison, this water filtration system can work just as well as the RO-CTOp, except for the fact that it is much heavier. The price is, however, too high to be justifiable.

Click here to check the price of the APEC US Made Portable Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System (RO-CTOP).

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  1. AnYEJMroiGelbvf

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